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Exam Name: Advanced Life Support 
Passing Score: 70% 
# of Questions: 40 
Question Order: Randomized 
Maximum # of Attempts: Unlimited 
# of Attempts:
# of Attempts Remaining: Unlimited 
This module is designed for providers to assist in such efforts. It highlights the principles and practices required for effective execution of Advanced Life Support (ALS), and provide an avenue of continuous review for providers. The contents of this module include highlights of the ACLS secondary survey, advanced airway management, rhythm identification, core case management and post cardiac care. The content presented is also based on guidelines developed by the AHA and ILCOR and addresses only therapies and interventions directed at the adult population. The module discusses the current changes that were integrated in the 2015 guidelines as well as the rationale and supporting evidence that led to those changes.  
View Objectives
  • The participant will demonstrate knowledge of the differences between the BLS survey and the ACLS secondary survey.
  • The participant will demonstrate knowledge of various actions that must be taken in order to correct deficiencies found in the secondary survey. 
  • Identify the various advanced airway devices used in ACLS.
  • Differentiate between supraglottic devices and the endotracheal tube.
  • State the reasons for limiting the use of cricoid pressure during airway security.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of actions to be considered if cricoid pressure is to be used during intubation.
  • Justify the use of capnography during resuscitation.
  • State the levels of PaCO2 that are indicative of inadequate resuscitative efforts.
  • Elaborate on the use of capnography in recognizing return of spontaneous circulation.
  • Explain how capnography is used to confirm proper placement of an advanced airway device.
  • Identify the components of a normal capnography wave form.
  • Describe the drugs used in cardiac arrest.
  • Demonstrate knowledge in the mechanism of action of the medications used in ACLS.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of medications no longer included in the cardiac arrest algorithm.
  • Discuss the use of adenosine.
  • State the advantages of amiodarone over lidocaine.
  • State the indications for the use of procainamide.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the cardiac conduction system.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the four lethal rhythms of cardiac arrest.
  • Explain the morphology and pathophysiology of the four lethal rhythms of cardiac arrest.
  • Describe the morphology and pathophysiology of bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the modes and energy levels of shock delivery.
  • Demonstrate knowledge in identifying and treating the shockable and non-shockable rhythms of cardiac arrest.
  • Explain the use of the cardiac arrest algorithm as well as appropriate medications for treating cardiac arrest.
  • Describe the H’s and T’s used to investigate the underlying causes of cardiac arrest. 
  • Exhibit knowledge in the use of the bradycardia algorithm.
  • Demonstrate knowledge in differentiating symptomatic vs. stable bradycardia.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of expert consultation for arrhythmias refractory to therapy.
  • Describe the use of pharmacology in treating symptomatic bradycardia.
  • Differentiate between stable and unstable tachyarrhythmias.
  • Demonstrate knowledge in the use of the tachycardia algorithm and antiarrhythmics to treat tachyarrhythmias.
  • Describe the appropriate energy levels used to electrically treat tachyarrhythmias.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of indications for therapeutic hypothermia.
  • Describe the parameters for therapeutic hypothermia and the length of time recommended before therapy is discontinued.
  • State the medications that are utilized during the post arrest period.
  • Explain the appropriate parameters for maintaining cardiac perfusion and output as well as parameters for oxygen maintenance.
  • Substantiate the indications for mechanical ventilation and recommended setting for maintenance of oxygenation.
  • Verify knowledge for maintenance of appropriate end tidal CO2 levels.
  • Articulate the appropriate parameters for glucose control and be able to identify reasons for avoiding tight glycemic control.
  • Describe Major Signs and Symptoms af a Stroke
  • Describe the types of Strokes and specific treatments
  • Demonstrate Out-of-Hospital Stroke Screening Methods
  • Apply the Eight D's of Diagnosis and Treatment of a Stroke
  • Explain why time is crucial in a suspected stroke
  • Follow the Suspected Stroke Algorightm and NINDS time goals
  • Describe the indications of Fibrinolytic Therapy
View Exam Directions
Each Exam consists of 40 questions.
The exam questions are multiple choice (MC).
Read the question and the four foils below the question.
Select the answer.
Select a button to go to the next or previous question.
If you are at the last question, selecting next question will go to the first question.
If you are at the first question selecting previous question will go to the last question.
When you have answered all of the questions select save & grade exam.
The exam is not timed.
Once you start the exam, you must finish. Partially completed exams are not graded.
The number of questions, if they are randomized, and the passing score is set by the institution that signs you up.